How I Survived Japan with Just One Word
Lost in Translation is not just a movie starring Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray. When you are in Japan, you actually live and breathe it. Yes, you sometimes can get by by using sign languages but that is up to a certain point when it all systems fail and then you realize that, shit this ain’t going nowhere. But lo and behold the Japanese Language Gods had blessed us with a word so profound that it can be used in every situation. I don’t know if they designed this word with the Gai-jin (foreigner) in mind but well it F*ckin works!
Sumimasen (Soo-mi-ma-sen). Which translate means. Sorry, excuse me and you guess it... Thank You! Remember, the Japanese is a culture that is rooted on respect. They probably say a lot of Sorry (or sumimasen) more than they scratch their balls (or dream of bags for women) than let’s say.....Canadians? The Japanese are so polite, they would bow their head straight down for even purchasing a happy meal in Mcdonald’s. Heck, when I was in an airplane ready to depart I saw a bunch of crew members line up beside the plane and bowed. No one could have seen them (except for my wandering eye) but they did it anyway! If u still don’t get my point try watch The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise. Even if they are about tho give up their life they are still polite!
If your in a restaunrant and you want to order..... Say sumimasen. If your stuck in rush hour in the middle of the subway and wanna wiggle your way out....sumimasen. If you won in a Japanese gameshow versus a 7 year old with a disability.....sumimasen. If you look inside the butt of a cow and accidentally.stuck your head inside it....sumimasen. If your jogging in the middle of the night and accidentally tripped on a homeless person and you shove your face in his crotch....sumimasen! Remember the word and your good to go!
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