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Dear Millenials,
Hey! How ya been?! Well, I shouldn’t be asking you this since all I need to do is look at your instagram page to even know what you had for breakfast. I’m writing you this letter to tell give you a few pointers so that we can all get along just fine. This coming from your bosses, the Gen Xers. In case you don’t know us, we are the people in your workplace who dresses like you and likes the places you go. Only difference is that we are a few years older, have a larger tummy and we leave the party at 11pm (coz we easily get tired and have kids to tend to). To tell you the truth, I have no problems with you and your party mongering, flower crown wearing, Tinder savvy, YOLO mentality that always keep popping in my facebook account. We’ve been there and done that. I just want share some advise so we can all live in #perfectharmony. So here it goes....
1. Please stop texting or using your phone when your mom calls you to eat. Please give the little time you have with your family to appreciate and converse with the people who loves you. It’s not like your phone will roll over and die (sometimes I wish for it...joke LOL : p)
2. The things that you post on social media aren’t exactly pearls of wisdom. We’re not interested in what you had for lunch or your #OOTD. It sometimes gives us pain, to see your newest selfie. In short, if you don’t have anything constructive to sheare then don’t post them online.
3. What’s up with word blending?! Combining words like glamping ( glam and camping) or fugly (f*cking ugly)? Yes, I know, it has been around for ages, but your generation had just made it rise to astronomic levels. Grammar is actually made to have structure and it’s put there not to be shit upon by your witty word fusions.
4. When you want something EARN IT. Yes we know you were born in a time where everything is just about instant gratification. The internet has spoiled you in many ways. You instantly get jealous of what others have. Of what you see in social media. They don’t get to that point without hard work. So please, from the inspiring words of the icon of our generation, Britney Spears, “YOU BETTER WORK BITCH!”
5. Invest in something while your young. We truly admire all your #wanderlust, #party #NOFILTER, #YOLO, #SWAG. But at the end of the day, when all your money has dried up, please remember that in the not so distant future when you would build a family of your own, a little savings can go a long way especially in a rainy day.
6. PROVE CLINT EASTWOOD WRONG! In case youlive in a rock, Clint Eastwood is the iconic Amercian Actor-Director who is part of the WWII generation, aka the Greatest Generation. Would you agree to him telling you are the P*ssy Generation?! The ME ME ME generation who always whine, who always feel self entitiled and with NO CAUSE TO FIGHT FOR. I hope while you’re at this age please prove him wrong. We know your better than that. You got your whole life ahead of you and we believe that you will do something great to change Humanity.
7. If you want to succeed in life please take advise from the people older than you, meaning us Gen-Xers. Believe me, since were the generation after you. We know were your coming from. And if you want to talk, please do it face to face. NOT through text message, Facebook or Viber.
The truth is, we envy you. You grew up in a time were it’s great to be young. A time were it’s easy to get dates, get hooked with other people, to travel and see the world. All the comforts of technology, modernity right at your fingertips. We know you are smart, unique and very much connected. You have every opportunity to succeed in life, you just gotta fight for it. After a few years, you would be in my situation right now criticising the next generation. So i pass on the baton to you #freakingnerds. Please make us #PROUD.
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